Monthly Archives: June 2014

Prayer for men


We come to you today, thanking you for who you are. Praising your almighty and everlasting name. We come to you today on the behalf of men. We speak for every father, son, brother, cousin, nephew, stepson, godson- every male. We pray that they would walk in dominion. That they would be the leaders that you have called them to be. We declare that they will walk boldly in authority. We declare and decree that the words they speak will come forth with conviction and clarity. We cancel the contract that Satan thinks he has on their lives and we say that they are Yours! They are Kingdom citizens and reside and abide in the presence and favor of the Most High God!

We declare that they will be an example to those that come after them and in some cases, those that have gone before them. We decree and declare that they will be bold, brave and powerful. They will not falter and bow down to the wiles of the enemy. They will not accept stereotypes as their truth. They will rise up against a society that has ruled them out. They will not be pushovers, punks or peddlers. But – pastors, apostles, prophets and priests! They will be the head of their household! They will love their wives as Christ loves the church. Those that are seeking wives, will seek you first. They will be examples of Your power in this earthly realm. We pray that they will perform miracles and wonders to draw a dying world to you. They will stand firm in their beliefs and values and will not be swayed by this generation. Instead they will be the voice of the generation, snatching Your people out of the pit of despair and confusion!

They will take back the streets, take back the schools and take back the homes! They will stand up and take their rightful place as kings and princes. They will protect the weaker vessels. We speak now that they will be MEN with dominion, power, authority, a sound mind, boldness, a cutting tongue and a loving heart! They will walk in purpose and know their worth to Your kingdom. They will do your will. We declare and decree that they will not die young, they will stop killing one another, they will lay down the street mentality and pick up a God mentality! We declare that they will use their skills and talents to advance their families and the Kingdom of God.

We seal this prayer in your son Jesus name! Amen!!

Prayer for Women

I wrote this prayer last year and God placed it on my heart to share today:

We come to you humbly, asking that you first forgive us for anything that we said, did, or thought that was not like you. We thank you because you made us in your image, therefore we know we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We thank you for breathing the breath of life into us and allowing us to wake with the activity of our limbs and a sound & right mind. We thank you God because you are all knowing, you see everything and you comfort and keep us in our times of distress and despair. You walk beside us when we are alone, you dry our tears when we are sad, you are a mother to the motherless and a father to the fatherless. We praise you, O God because all power is in your hands, you created the heavens and the earth and everything that you made is good. Before we ask you for anything Lord we will be mindful to thank you for everything. Thank you for life, and that everlasting. Thank you for making us women, women that are made to endure, to bear burdens, to mend broken hearts, to soothe troubled minds, and to mold the dear precious children that you have given us charge over. Today God, we cry out for those women that are being emotionally abused. Lord don’t let those words become her reality. We come against the negative declarations and we decree and declare God that they are strong, they are beautiful, they are smart and that they would know their self worth and their value to your kingdom. We cry out for the women that are being physically abused. Lord, as they crumple and shield themselves from the abuse, God, we ask that you shield and protect their minds. Although there might be broken bones, don’t allow their spirit to be broken. God give them the same enduring spirit that you possessed when you took the beating and scars for us. God allow them to see that they will come out victorious because you, our perfect example did so before us. We know that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning- Lord, allow their morning to come quickly and let them be ready for your use, to be a testimony to other women. We cry out for those that have been abused sexually. We speak rebuilding of their mind and souls. We declare God that they will commit themselves to you and not allow the helplessness that they felt in that moment to overshadow and have dominion over their life. We pray for resilience and the power to bounce back and fight. And God allow them the strength and willingness to wait on their Boaz, we come against the spirit that will try to have them continue the cycle of abuse on themselves. We declare that it stops now. We declare that they would know their self worth, know God that they are worth waiting and that they would keep themselves until their mate finds his rib. Now God, we thank you and we praise you for all things and most importantly for you being God and God alone in our lives. We seal this prayer in your son Jesus’ precious name.


No press, No pour

I was cleaning my kitchen the other day and began to think about the demand God has placed on my life. At times it can seem like a lot all at one time, however, I was reminded of something one of my Pastors said, “There’s power in pressure.”

As I was putting away dishes, My eyes shifted to the juicer. Everyone is familiar with it, you place a piece of fruit on it, apply pressure, twist and turn and out pours a sustaining substance. Pouring cannot happen unless a pressing has occurred. If we do not allow God to press on us and if we don’t press ourselves, we will have nothing to pour out.

We must allow God to press us so our purpose and destiny can emerge, just as the juice emerges from the fruit. However, in our case, it is the oil that will emerge. Jeremiah 31:34 says, “I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” The oil that springs forth from our innermost parts. That place where Jesus dwells in us. That is oil that makes us his. We must then use that to draw others.

Another thing that God revealed is regarding the fruit that’s placed in the juicer. It usually has a tough skin with a soft exterior that allows for the pressure to produce. We must be the same way. We must develop a tough skin and not be so easily swayed, offended, and discouraged so that we can withstand the pressure.

All in all, I am learning to appreciate the pressure. As Philippians 3:14 states, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I understand that pressure produces and am privileged to have an opportunity to pour.

Takes One To Know One

Have you ever wondered why some people are so quick to point out the faults of others? It’s quite simple, because they can identify with the person they are judging. People often make a statement about someone else, because they see themselves in that person. It’s easy to identify with and recognize what you are. As the saying goes, birds of a feather, flock together. It’s natural, you can’t help it!
But, you can get help for it!

It’s easy for someone to try to deflect the blame from themselves by condemning others. Too often, we push the scope off of our beam, to focus on the mote in someone else’s life. However, you must know that you won’t get away with it. God sees all, hears all and knows all. I love the way The Message version puts Romans 2:3-4- God is kind, but He’s not soft! So, when you get ready to point the finger at someone else- think about the ones that point back at you. Do a self examination and ask God for help in fixing you. Identify the areas of concern in your own life. Ask yourself, what is wrong with you that is causing you to lash out at others. And always remember, it takes one to know one!